Resin Tomb – Cerebral Purgatory [Full Length, 2024]

Resin Tomb Cerebral Purgatory

Australia’s Dissonant Death/Sludge Metal/Grind sensation, Resin Tomb recently released their first full-length, Cerebral Purgatory via Transcending Obscurity on 19th January 2024 and I have plenty of reasons to get excited about this.

Resin Tomb

If you’re familiar with my reviews on Australian Metal releases, you’ll find most of the time are nothing but praise for their overall output. The Aussies really know their stuff and this one is no different. Nearly 30 minutes of constant chainsaw and slab of heaviness onslaught with arrays of dizzying speed and intensity are enough to justify why Cerebral Purgatory is one hell of a nasty release. So let’s talk about it.

The vocals are filthy with phlegm-filled yells and shrieks while pounding bass rumbling and relentlessly barraging drums complete the mix.

Cerebral Purgatory caught my attention with its guitar tone. While it’s obviously borrowing or inspired from HM-2/Sunlight Studio/Chainsaw tone (making Resin Tomb somewhat an OSDM-sounding band), their tendency to include unhinged dissonant style riffs is what made it really, really filthy sounding. I think the whole style and execution is properly demonstrated in the first track which caught me off-guard with its chaotic approach. And the rest of the tracks are equally excellent. The vocals are filthy with phlegm-filled yells and shrieks while pounding bass rumbling and relentlessly barraging drums complete the mix. It’s so disgusting, I love it.

Resin Tomb doesn’t cut corners and fill the album with weird intros or interludes, instead went straight for the onslaught and they did rather spectacularly.

While the dynamic and tempo seem to be dominated by furious grinding in most of the tracks, Resin Tomb also made use of slow to mid-tempo parts to build uneasy feels (via jangly dissonant playing) before everything erupts into full-blown chaos again. Cerebral Purgatory leaves you no room to breathe with constant terrifying sonic attacks, from all directions imaginable. For an 8-song album, Cerebral Purgatory feels rather short but I think it’s enough and justified. Resin Tomb doesn’t cut corners and fill the album with weird intros or interludes, instead go straight for the onslaught and they did it rather spectacularly. The riffs, while thick and disorienting, are actually memorable. For me, this is a sign of a nicely thought and written album without compromising the brutality the band intended it to be.

It’s only (roughly) a month into 2024, we’re probably looking at one of the Album of the Year…

This is an album that I will constantly come back and get disoriented with its magnificent riffs and execution. It’s only (roughly) a month into 2024, we’re probably looking at one of the Album of the Year, but let’s see when I come back to Cerebral Purgatory in December whether it’s still hold up to its glory (or nasty?) of Dissonant Death Metal/Sludge/Grind goodness.

Cerebral Purgatory is now available in CD, vinyl, cassette and digital download.

FFO: Descent, Ulcerate, Replicant, Terra Builder, Noctambulant

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