Bilwis – Sagenwelt [Full Length, 2021]
If you’re into fairytales and Black Metal, you might want to check out Bilwis, a solo Atmospheric Black Metal project from Germany and his debut EP ‘Sagenwelt’ recently got a re-release via Northern Silence Productions on 29th January 2021.
For a 20 minutes playtime, Sagenwelt is an intense and epic Atmospheric Black Metal albeit with raw edge. This probably had to do with the mix and recording quality as I find the song compositions rather excellent, especially the 3rd track Die Greisin. This is definitely the track that defines the EP with choir-like intro to set a mournful mood and followed by mid pace drums and guitars dragging along exuding melancholic sound throughout. Other tracks such as Der Bote and Der Herr der Berge are no different in offering melancholic vibe except with faster tempo. Closing track Sagenwelt goes back to sombre and slow approach with bombastic keyboard blasting in the background, ending the EP in a perfect note.
Bilwis definitely have good ideas for this EP from the way the tracks are composed and played. While I’m not really fan of the raw style of his Atmospheric Black Metal (instruments are not properly balanced in the mix and peaked so much during faster songs), it definitely works for Bilwis and probably for the better, as this might help to distinguish Bilwis from the rest of Atmospheric BM bands out there. Hey at least, it’s not overproduced, so I can live with that!
FFO: Rivendell, Caladan Brood, Skyforest