Lvcifyre – Svn Eater (Full Length 2014)


So…we’re almost a month through in the year 2014. To be completely honest, I have tons of new stuff to be reviewed but only one or two of them are ready to be published…. So here goes, Lvcifyre.

Svn Eater, 21st January 2014, Dark Descent Recs

1.Night Sea Sorcery 
2.Calicem Obscurum 
3.Liber Lilith  
4.The Sun Eater  
5.In Fornication Waters  
7.The Fiery Spheres of the Seven  
8.Fyre Made Flesh  
9.The Sinister Calling  
T. Kaos – Guitars, Vocals
Menthor – Drums
Cvltvs – Bass
Dictator – Guitars

Chaotic. These London Black/Death Metallers (sans Menthor, who is from Portugal, but whatever..) delivered a crushing hell of a release on this one. Now, I’m not familiar with their previous releases but Svn Eater really is my new favorite release so far. Blending the cold and terrifying elem,ents of Black Metal with brutality of Death Metal, it didn’t take me long to enjoy this 3rd release from Lvcifyre.

Terrifying. If Morbid Angel and Portal (vokalis dengan kepala jam tua rules, sial!) were to spent a one night stand, Lvcifyre would definitely be their bastard child. Svn Eater is a face ripping (not literally, but you get what I mean) release, as much as horrifying like Portal; murky and invoking discomfort, as well sounding like Morbid Angel (pre Illud Divinum Insanus, of course!), albeit triple on the juice.

No mercy for your ears (and maybe your soul too). The whole album feels like being thrown into depthless abyss, thanks to the crushing guitar. I don’t really know how to put it, put it’s heavy, yeah. And also fast and lots of reverb, giving the whole album a nightmarish like feeling. Drummer Menthor pounds mercilessly throughout the album, thus never a dull moment. He also plays for Enthroned, by the way. T. Kaos at times sounded like Karl Sanders, with barely intelligible growls, strewn all over the place. What made me love the album is the eerie/nightmarish/occult atmosphere in most of the tracks, such as in track Night Sea Sorcery and The Sinister Calling. Tormented voices, unintelligible chants and such really invoked the sense of fear and uncomfortable.

For fans of Morbid Angel/Nile/early Behemoth/Mayhem. And for some reason it feels like listening to soundtrack of any Ctulhu mythos…but maybe just me. I like the album, though.

Night Seas Sorcery – The opening track is really what me hooked up, with its doom-ish pace and croaking inhumane voice chanting some fucked up mantra and erupts into full speed half way through. Digging the Karl Sanders-like vocals. The guitars on the whole album has weird tones, but thats what made it really-really eerie.

Calicum Obscurum – Blast fest! Non stop eruption of sonic mayhem I would say. Don’t expect melodic riffs and solos. Only savage riffs sliding up and down the scale altogether with violent blastbeats. Somewhat technical, IMHO.

Liber Lilith – No sign of slowing down. In fact it’s getting sinister and grim in every tracks. Love the distorted bass guitar sound. So dirty.

The Sinister Calling – Scary intro. Really uncomfortable, but definitely a perfect track to close this terrifying packed release.

Having never heard of them before, I would say this is a decent release. Combination of Black and Death Metal never sound so unsettling like this. It’s grimy and punishing. And good in my books.

Listen to the album here:

Get your copy from Dark Descent Recs. Click here.

Lvcifyre can be reached at Facebook.

Big shout out to Clawhammer PR for sending us Svn Eater promo pack!

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