Idle Ruin – Idle Ruin [EP, 2020]


Australian’s Death/Thrashers recently released their self titled debut EP, offering 4 uncompromising tracks of Death Thrash goodness reminding me of the classics in the vein of Possessed, Destruction, and Sepultura. But Idle Ruin takes it a notch faster, hence its brutal and maddening Death Thrash feast throughout the EP.

Idle Ruin relies on their chaotic and frantic drumming to drive its chainsaw guitar riffs, which I really like how classic and modern it sounds at the same time. I think it has something to do with the drum miking to made it sound natural and less processed, although the bass drum sounds weird. On the other hand, I’m also impressed with the vocals; snarling in a manner of John Tardy (Obituary) and Jeff Becerra (Posessed) which adds so much depth to their sound.

Idle Ruin’s self-titled EP proved to be a decent Death Thrash, idea-wise but have several wekanesses to be addressed, especially the popping bass drum sound which bothers me a bit. Other than that, I think Idle Ruin might appeal to Death/Thrash fans out there with their classic influenced sound. 

Idle Ruin is now available in digital download format. Physical format will be announced soon.

FFO: Possessed, Destruction, Sepultura

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