VoTW : NonserviaM – Dogmalevolence
Dari Penang.. sebuah band baru.. Muncul dengan sebuah profesional video klip.. tidak banyak diketahui berkenaan band ini.. layan video ini dulu ok..
Ok mungkin boleh kenali mereka melalui laman facebook mereka dibawah ini.
ni budak2 chinese metal penang…dorg ni dah lama gak main…tp rasanya ni band baru dr pecahan band lain…
rasa macam line up dissectomy dgn oracle
baguih cinematography band ni… music pun bagus.
Hi guys. This is Gary, guitarist from the band NonserviaM. Thanks for sharing our video and it's our great honour to have your view and comments. Yup, we are a melodic death metal band from Penang. Our first EP "Ordinance Of Reason" is out now. U may visit our FB for more info. Once again, thanks and stay metal always m/
p/s: we need your support. Hope u guys can share our materials to friends around u. Thanks! 🙂